Coach Training

 The Center views coaching as defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as a "partnering with others in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize  their personal and professional growth."

The course content is geared towards training coaches to actualize that mission.

The Center uses an original approach to the coaching conversation:


The 5 C's of Coaching: 
Connect. C
ontract. Clarify. Create. Commit.

Module I delves into the 5 C's. Module II dives deep into the 11 Core Competencies of Coaching developed by the ICF as well as the Code of Ethics. Module III affords the professional coach with plenty of tools that a master coach can use.

In addition, there are 15 hours of learning the basics of Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence that serve as a background to Module III and the first two modules as well.

To learn more about the Coach Training Course, navigate through these pages:

This program combines concepts from Judaic sources with ICF's core competencies of coaching principles and skills to create the optimal coach/client relationship.

Snapshot of program

  • 75 hours of live classes
    • Module I - 20 hours
      • The 5 C's of Coaching
    • Module II - 25 hours
      • An in-depht Look at the ICF's Core Competencies of Coaching and Coade of Ethics
    • Module III - 30 hours
      • Coaching Mastery
  • 15 hours of tele/web-conferencing
    • Covering the basics of Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence
  • 10 hours of Mentor Coaching
    • 7 hours of Group Mentoring
    • 3 hours of individual mentoring
  • 20 hours of Peer Coaching
  • 5 hours of Independent study
    • Written of Presented Book Report


  1. Trainee will be well-versed and trained in the ICF’s Core Competencies and Code of Ethics for the coaching professional.

  2. Trainee will learn the Core Principles of Coaching, fully aligned with Torah ideals and hashkafos.

  3. Trainee will understand the uniqueness of coaching versus therapy, mentoring, consulting and good friends.

  4. The Trainee will be trained in the characteristics of a good coach and use them in practice.

  5. Trainee will recognize that the client is an expert in their own life.

  6. Trainee will learn how to help clients truly become aware of who they are, who they want to be, and how to get them there.

  7. Trainee will become knowledgeable in using Coaching tools, skills and assessments.


For more information, visit the following pages:





Certification Requirements


"The course provides a road map to becoming a more wholesome person."

Yaacov Weiss,


"Anyone with an open mind to improving themselves will truly benefit from Shalom's coaching."

Ari Greenbaum,

General Manager, Networx

"The coaching helped us become more of a team and has been really beneficial to the whole family unit!"

A Grateful Parent

Lakewood, NJ

"Shalom helped me understand myself in ways that not only improves my life but allows me to help others understand that there is an opportunity for growth in every situation."

Chad Varnas

Senior Sales Manager, Networx

"I really enjoy Rabbi Storch's approach to each subject. He is truly a gift and I treasure each class."

Sandra Allen

"The tying in of Torah hashkafah is incredible!  I would recommend any Torahdik person to Rabbi Storch's approach!"

Hindy N